You seem to be very connected to nature for you to notice the emotions manifesting around you. I believe we each create our own reality. Months after my mother passed years ago, I was filled with guilt. I felt that I could have done more as a daughter, to care better or lengthen her life. I felt guilty feeling happy those times when I felt that I should be feeling eternal guilt instead.
One morning I was so in touch with what's around me that I begin to see that those who pass leaves us clear messages if we only learn to listen. It wasn't sunrays or a drop of rain for me though.
I believe every message our loved ones send us is unique depending on what resonates with us the most. Your very connection to the rain may have been the best way for them. Mine was my belief in the connection of those who transitioned and butterflies.
A butterfly came inside my window while I was working one morning. I went out to jog and the blue butterfly followed around. I decided to let it "take me" somewhere and 10 minutes later I found myself in front of this tree with plenty of other butterflies like it.
I took that as a sign that she's telling me she's okay and she wants me to be happy.
Our loved ones, my mom, your husband— they are all around. In the interspaces of the universe, in the air that we breathe, they are never this close to us, if only life itself isn't too loud for us to tune in to their love.